Edge-Aware Mesh Texturing from Single Image

1Simon Fraser University, 2Amazon, Canada

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH), 2024

EASI-Tex seamlessly transfers an object's texture from a single RGB image to a given 3D mesh. Our method exhibits natural textures for the 3D objects, respecting its semantics, and better preservation of geometric details and features, while being faithful to the input texture.


We present a novel approach for single-image mesh texturing, which employs a diffusion model with judicious conditioning to seamlessly transfer an object's texture from a single RGB image to a given 3D mesh object. We do not assume that the two objects belong to the same category, and even if they do, there can be significant discrepancies in their geometry and part proportions. Our method aims to rectify the discrepancies by conditioning a pre-trained Stable Diffusion generator with edges describing the mesh through ControlNet, and features extracted from the input image using IP-Adapter to generate textures that respect the underlying geometry of the mesh and the input texture without any optimization or training. We also introduce Image Inversion, a novel technique to quickly personalize the diffusion model for a single concept using a single image, for cases where the pre-trained IP-Adapter falls short in capturing all the details from the input image faithfully. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our edge-aware single-image mesh texturing approach, coined EASI-Tex, in preserving the details of the input texture on diverse 3D objects, while respecting their geometry.

Our Approch

The pipeline of EASI-Tex for Image Inversion (left) and generating textured views (right).

The texture generation network takes an untextured 3D mesh $(\textbf{M})$, a reference texture image $(\mathbf{I_{tex}})$, and a descriptive text prompt as input to generate a textured view of the mesh as output.

Apart from text, we condition the generation process with edges describing the mesh, through ControlNet, and the input texture image, through IP-Adapter. Edge conditioning allows us to respect the "identity" of the mesh better, than depth or normals, and IP-Adapter allows us to use a single image as prompt without any additional training or optimization.

We also introduce Image Inversion, a novel technique to quickly personalize the diffusion model for a single concept using a single image. It is an optional step and we use it for cases where the pre-trained IP-Adapter falls short in capturing all the details from the input texture image faithfully. It involves fine-tuning parts of our network: Stable Diffusion's U-Net and IP-Adapter's Projection Network (indicated by 🔥), for a few iterations using a single image $\mathbf{I_{tex}}$.

Check out the paper to learn more. 🙂


    title={EASI-Tex: Edge-Aware Mesh Texturing from Single Image},
    author = {Perla, Sai Raj Kishore and Wang, Yizhi and Mahdavi-Amiri, Ali and Zhang, Hao},
    journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH)},
    publisher = {ACM New York, NY, USA},
    year = {2024},
    volume = {43},
    number = {4},
    articleno = {40},
    doi = {10.1145/3658222},
    url = {https://github.com/sairajk/easi-tex},